Repair of Nagle Dam-Durban Heights Water Treatment Plant Aqueduct 3 leak completed


STATEMENT: Repair of Nagle Dam-Durban Heights Water Treatment Plant Aqueduct 3 leak completed

Monday, 11 July 2022

The most crucial part of the work on Aqueduct 3 – repair of a significant leak – has been completed, allowing for commissioning to begin this morning (Monday, 11 July 2022).

Commissioning is the start-up process in which a pipe is prepared to go “live” in order to test its ability to contain its inflow without leaking. On Monday morning, uMngeni-uThukela Water began gradually releasing water from Nagle Dam into the concrete-steel Aqueduct 3. The release will be closely monitored along the route of the pipe to ensure there is no water loss through leaks.

If everything goes according to schedule, the commissioning will be completed by early evening today. That will signify the go-ahead for full volume of water to be released into the pipe.

The underground pipe had to be exposed in order to get to the leak. Work was done from inside the pipe to repair the leak and was completed on Sunday afternoon. A crack in the area where the concrete and steel sections are joined and held together by mechanical seals had caused the leak. The process of drying of the pipe was completed overnight on Sunday before the commissioning  began. The remaining work, including restoring earthworks, will be completed in the days ahead.

Aqueduct 3 is one of four high-pressure pipes that transport large volumes of water from Nagle Dam to the Durban Heights Water Treatment Plant for treatment and supply to eThekwini Metro for distribution in south, north, central and inner west regions of Durban. Two of these aqueducts – 1 and 2 – were damaged in the floods of April 2022 and remain decommissioned.

As more information becomes available on completion of commissioning, this will be shared with stakeholders.

Issued by Corporate Stakeholder Management Unit, Office of the Chief Executive

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