Midmar Dam begins spilling again and Current Status of Water Resources in uMngeni-uThukela Water’s Operational Area

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Midmar Dam has begun spilling after reaching capacity – and a little more on Wednesday, 15th April 2020. The level of the dam is at 100, 08%, representing an increase of 0, 5% from a week ago. Improved water resources in Midmar Dam has been a result of water releases from upstream Mearns Weir and good rains in the catchments of Mearns Weir and Midmar Dam.

Spills from Midmar Dam will assist in boosting the level of downstream Albert Falls Dam, which has remained consistently at below 40% for almost three years despite the end of the drought. By Wednesday, 15th March 2020, the level of Albert Falls Dam began rising steadily and is currently at 37, 25% – up 0, 5% from the previous day. If spills from Midmar Dam continue, the level of Albert Falls – the largest dam in the Mgeni System – will increase unabated.

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