El Niño Update – February 2024

Hey there, water users! uMngeni-uThukela Water (UUW) would like to share the latest update on the ongoing El Niño cycle. Model assessments indicate that the El Niño event has reached its peak, with ENSO currently in a moderate-strong El Niño state. UUW will continue to monitor the development of ENSO as an El Niño advisory remains. Remember to use water sparingly.

Most sites in uMngeni-uThukela’s area of operation saw below-average rainfall in February, with some receiving as little as 50% of normal rainfall, e.g. Mearns Weir and Inanda Dam. We are closely monitoring rainfall, dam levels and the ENSO signal as we approach the end of summer.

Even though February brought below-average rainfall, our dams are on relatively high storage levels, ensuring no immediate risk of non-supply for our customers. However, forecasts are calling for below-average rainfall and above-average temperatures for the next three months in South Africa.

To tackle potential challenges head-on, let’s all do our part in practicing efficient water usage. Keep an eye out for the conservation tips provided by UUW weekly. Stay tuned for more insights. Together, let’s ensure sustainable water management.