ADWF – Annual Dry Weather Flow
ASGISA – Accelerated Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa
BBBEE – Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
BEE – Black Economic Empowerment
BSC – Balanced Scorecard
CBO – Community Based Organisation
CCMA – Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration
CIDB – Construction Industry Development Board
CMA – Catchment Management Agency
CN – Cyanide
COD – Chemical Oxygen Demand
COSATU – Congress of South African Trade Unions
CWSS – Community Water Supply and Sanitation
DAEA – Department of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs
DEAT – Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism
DI – Disabling injury
DM – District Municipality
DWAF – Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
EPWP – Environmental Assessment Practitioner
EE – Employment Equity
EES – External Education Services
EESC – Employment Equity Steering Committee
EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment
EMP – Environmental Management Plan
EMS – Environmental Management System
EXCO – Executive Committee
FSL – Full Supply Level
GRI – Global Reporting Initiative
GCM – Global Climate Model
HDI – Historically Disadvantaged Individual
HLP – High Lift Pump
ILO – International Labour Organisation
ISO – International Organisation for Standardisation
KZN – KwaZulu-Natal
LED – Local Economic Development
LRA -Labour Relations Act
m.a.s.l – Meters above sea level

MDGs – Millenium Development Goals
MMTS – Mooi-Mgeni Transfer Scheme
Ml – Megalitre (1 000 000 litres)
MIG – Municipal Infrastructure Grant
NEHAWU – National Education and Health Allied Workers’ Union
NEMA – National Environmental Management Act
NETU – National Employees’ Trade Union
NGO – Non-government Organisation
NOSA – National Occupational Safety Association
NWA – National Water Act
OA – Oxygen Absorbed
OSH – Occupational Safety and Health
PFMA – Public Finance Management Act
PDGs – Provincial Growth and Development
PSEDS – Spatial Economic Development Strategy
RAWSP – Rural Areas Water and Sanitation Plan
RDP – Reconstruction and Development Programme
RHP – River Health Programme
SABS – South African Bureau of Standards
SADC – Southern Africa Development Community
SAMWU – South African Municipal Workers’ Union
SASS – South African Scoring System
SHE – Safety, Health and Environment
SHEQ – Safety, Health, Environment and Quality
SoE – State of the Environment
SOG – Soap, Oil and Grease
SR – Severity Rate
SRP – Soluble Reactive Phosphorus
SS – Suspended Solids
TLC – Transitional Local Councils
UW – Umgeni Water
WfW – Working for Wate
WRC – Water Research Commission
WSA – Water Services Authority
WW – Waterworks
WWW – Wastewater Works