Inanda Dam Aquatic Weeds Status And Considerations For The Dusi Canoe Marathon 2022


Inanda Dam Aquatic Weeds Status And Considerations For The Dusi Canoe Marathon 2022

Thursday, 17 February 2022

Purpose of this Document

The purpose of this document is to provide awareness on the current Inanda Dam aquatic weeds infestation challenge, the integrated management approach that is being adopted to control the weed infestation as well as the potential impacts of the infestation on the Dusi Canoe Marathon.

Background to the aquatic weeds challenge at Inanda Dam

uMngeni-uThukela Water Operates and manages the Inanda Dam on behalf of the Department of Water and Sanitation for the primary purpose of domestic Water Supply to EThekwini Metro Municipality, one of the economic hubs of KZN. Due to high nutrient inflow from Darvill wastewater works and the Pietermaritzburg town discharges from broken and blocked sewers, Inanda Dam has been facing a challenge of severe infestation by two of the most problematic aquatic weeds in KZN: water hyacinth (Pontederia crassipes) and
water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes). While water hyacinth is also present in other parts of the Mgeni Catchment, Inanda Dam has seen a significant and concerning increase in water hyacinth growth over the recent years (since late 2019, but particularly since mid-2020)

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