Response to The Witness on TSS Salary Report: Security personnel pay – Putting matters in perspective

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Response to The Witness on TSS Salary Report: Security personnel pay – Putting matters in perspective

The Editor

The Witness

45 Willowton Road


26th November 2021


Reference is made to the report in The Witness titled “Security Guards Based at uMngeni-uThukela Water Sites Go Unpaid”.

Kindly publish the following as a response to the above-mentioned article.


In the interest of fairness to uMngeni-uThukela Water’s security services provider, Tactical Security Services, and to prevent the possibility of any misconceptions or misinterpretation arising as a result of publicity on the matter, it is important that the factual position is communicated.

uMngeni-uThukela Water has conducted an investigation into the matter, referred to as “staff go unpaid” in your headline, and no evidence of Tactical Security Services’ failure to meet its salary commitments was found. This conclusion was derived after carefully examining all pertinent documentation. Tactical Security Services had, therefore, met its contractual obligations in this matter.

As context, salaries are paid on the 15th of each month (in arrears) and annual bonuses paid on the 20th of the month (in arrears). The timesheet runs from 16th to 15th of the following month, therefore, remuneration is calculated accordingly.

This means that if employment commences on any date after the 15th of a month, first payment will be made after completion of first timesheet, thus 15th of the month after completion of one full working month.

I hope this now provides clarity on the matter. It is unfortunate that publicity was given to a matter that, in the first instance, had no controversial circumstances.

Tactical Security Services continues to provide services of a high standard to uMngeni-uThukela Water and security personnel perform their duties with dedication and vigilance.

Shami Harichunder

Corporate Stakeholder Manager[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Download Document” style=”classic” color=”primary” link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]